Getting to know The Thirteen Roses
Read the text on your left and see if you already know the thirteen roses well enough to do the exercise on your right. Please write one name per space and write the full name.
Who were the Thirteen Roses? Let´s meet them
1.Carmen Barrero Agüero (20 years old, seamstress). She had been working since the age of 12 after her father´s death to help a numerous family of 8. She was a member of the Communist party and was responsible for the female side of the party in Madrid. She was arrested on May 16, 1939.
2.Martina Barroso García (24 years old, seamstress). At the end of the war, she started to participate in the Socialist Party. Some of the letters she wrote from prison to her boy friend and family have been kept.
3.Blanca Brisac Vázquez (29 years old, pianist). She was the oldest and had a child. She didn´t belong to any political party at all. She was a devoted Catholic and right-wing voter. She was arrested for knowing a musician who was a member of the Communist party. She wrote a letter to her son on the night of her execution, which was given to him 16 years later.
4.Pilar Bueno Ibáñez (27 years old, seamstress). When the war started, she enrolled in the Communist party and worked for them. When the war came to an end she was in charge of the reorganization of the Communist party. She was arrested on May 16, 1939.
5.Julia Conesa Conesa (19 years old, seamstress). She enrolled in the Socialist party because of the sports centers they had at the end of 1937, and she was in charge of them. Then she became a tram ticket seller because her family needed money, and she ended her association with the party. She was arrested in May 1939 after her name had been by one of her boyfriend´s friends.
6.Adelina García Casillas (19 years old). She was a militant of the Socialist Party. She was sent a letter to go to the police station for routine questioning. She never came back. She went to prison on May 18, 1939.
7.Elena Gil Olaya (20 years old). She had been a member of the socialist party since 1937. And after the war she started working for them.
8.Virtudes González García (18 years old, seamstress). In 1936 she enrolled in the communist party. On May 16 1939 she was denounced under torture.
9.Ana López Gallego (21 years old, seamstress). She was a militant of the Socialist party. She was arrested on May 16 but she wasn’t taken to Las Ventas prison till June 6. It is said that she didn’t die after the first shooting and shouted: Aren´t you going to kill me?
10.Joaquina López Laffite (23 years old). In September 1936, she enrolled in The Socialist party. She was in charge of the socialist women of the party. She was denounced by a workmate. She was arrested in April 1939. She confessed to having been a member of the party during the war but not after it. She wasn´t taken to Las Ventas prison till June 3.
11.Dionisia Manzanero Salas (20 years old, seamstress). She enrolled in the party in April 1938 after a bomb killed her sister and other kids that were playing near where they lived. When the war ended she was a link between the different communist leaders. She was arrested on May 16, 1939.
12.Victoria Muñoz García (18 years old). She enrolled in the Socialist party at the age of 15. She was taken to Las Ventas prison on June 6, 1939.
13.Luisa Rodriguez de la Fuente (18 years old, seamstress). She enrolled in the Socialist party as a simple member. She was arrested before carrying out any activity for the party. She confessed to belonging to the party during the war but not after the war. In April she was taken to Las Ventas. She was the first of the Thirteen Roses to be sent to prison.
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